Future of Tax | Fair Tax 2023 campaign
In 2023 we are joining with like-minded organisations and individuals to run a Future of Tax | Fair Tax campaign that needs your support. Read more below.
To raise sufficient funds for campaign activity we have a live PledgeMe campaign running until Sunday 14 May.
You can make a Pledge here: www.pledgeme.co.nz/projects/7481-let-s-change-the-future-of-taxes
Why run a campaign?
Tax Justice Aotearoa believes it is time to advocate more forcefully for meaningful change to New Zealand's tax system.
Tax is the bedrock for building a better future. We can't look after each other as a community without it. Tax is how we, as a nation, build and sustain a healthy, happy and resilient society. It does that by building a tax revenue base that is sufficient to support much-needed improvements to our public health system, our nationwide infrastructure, schools, social assistance (including superannuation), and our response to the climate change crisis.
How can you make a difference?
This campaign will make it loud and clear to our nation's decision-makers and future Members of Parliament that the time for putting Tax reforms on the agenda for a positive future in Aoteraroa New Zealand is now! Adding your pledge and your support to this campaign will help us to open up an informed conversation about taxes as a power for public good.
Donations received via PledgeMe will go towards the costs of launching a website platform for hosting campaign activity, as well as creating digital and print resources about the public good role played by our tax system. The link again is www.pledgeme.co.nz/projects/7481-let-s-change-the-future-of-taxes