


Thank you for considering donating to us.

We are a completely independent, voluntary organisation, and receive no government funding. We rely on kind donations from people like you to support our work.

Rest assured, we value every contribution and spend it with utmost care. Regular donations give us some certainty about our funding situation, helping us to plan for the long-term. And improving our tax system is certainly a long-term mission.

Help us spread the word about how our tax system can be a powerful tool for a flourishing country, where every person enjoys the best health possible, lives in a warm and safe home, and has opportunities to learn, grow and participate in community life in ways that are fulfilling for them.



We are a registered, not-for-profit Incorporated Society and submit annual financial returns to the New Zealand Companies Office. You can search for Tax Justice Aotearoa (Registration Number 2733012) and find our financial reports here.