Better taxes for a Better Future campaign launch

See you there


June 21, 2023 at 10:00am - 10:45am


two/fiftyseven (2/57 Willis Street, Wellington)


Leave your email address

Who's coming along

Better taxes for a Better Future campaign launch

It’s time we talked about better taxes…

Come along and help launch the Fair Tax Campaign

Better taxes for a Better Future!

We’re asking as many people as possible to be there, to make our launch a success and to start the conversation about better taxes.

Who are we? We are a coalition of organisations committed to a fairer tax system that generates enough to help us meet the deep systemic challenges we face, such as embedded poverty and hardship, inequality, overstretched public services, inadequate infrastructure and climate change and environmental degradation.

If you can attend, please RSVP 

If you cannot attend, please join our Facebook livestream.

Our Participating Organisations


NZ Council of Christian Social Services

Amnesty International

NZ Nurses Organisation

Anglican Advocacy

Post Primary Teachers’ Assn

Child Poverty Action Group


Climate Club

Public Service Assn 

Closing the Gap

Renters United

Council of Trade Unions

Salvation Army

Ecu-Action Canterbury

Tax Justice Aotearoa

First Union

Wellbeing Alliance for All Aotearoa



Contact: Glenn Barclay 027 295 5110 / [email protected]