Tax Policy: Wellbeing Considerations
See you there
WhenFebruary 14, 2023 at 12:30pm - 1:30pm
Government Buildings Lecture Theatre 1 (GBLT1) / Online
55 Lambton Quay
Wellington 6011
New Zealand
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Tax Justice Aotearoa
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Tax Policy: Wellbeing Considerations
Tax Policy: Wellbeing Considerations
Speaker: Prof Arthur Grimes
12:30 – 1:30 PM, Tuesday 14 February 2023
Government Buildings Lecture Theatre 1 (GBLT 1) / Online
Pipitea Campus, Victoria University of Wellington
Tax policy has always had to consider both efficiency and equity considerations. How might a wellbeing lens – which inevitably incorporates both efficiency and equity aspects – add to our understanding of tax policy? I will discuss work that shows how a wellbeing approach gives us additional insights into the effects of different types of taxes on different population groups, and will relate these findings to tax policy options in New Zealand. Amongst these options are different forms of land tax.
About Arthur Grimes:
Arthur Grimes is Professor of Wellbeing and Public Policy at Victoria University of Wellington’s School of Government and is a Senior Fellow at Motu Research. He was Reserve Bank of New Zealand Board Chair (2003–2013) and previously served as the Bank’s Chief Economist. He was a member of the 2009 Tax Working Group, and has written several papers on tax matters, including papers relating to land taxes and to the wellbeing effects of taxes. He has a PhD in Economics from the London School of Economics and a BSocSc(Hons) from University of Waikato.
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